How Three Industries Are Using 3D Printing

Recently, 3D printing has blown up as a cheap and effective means of producing complex parts for machinery and other products. As this hit trend has grown increasingly popular, many companies are trying to use it to further their business and refine their production methods. Here’s how three industries are using 3D printing to further their business goals.

The Automotive Industry

Additive manufacturing has been gaining traction in the automotive industry. High-profile corporations such as Audi are employing 3D printers. 3D printers are used by everyone from race vehicle teams to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) for each car maker. The true value of 3D printed parts for automobile manufacturers is due to the tooling and fixtures that facilitate the production process rather than the printed parts that go on cars. Some people have even used 3D printers to make replacement parts for centuries-old automobiles. This guarantees that there are enough parts to service historical vehicles and normal maintenance repair and operations.

‍The Education Industry

Educational institutions are striving to keep on the cutting edge of the new technology for research and instruction as the 3D printing business grows. 3D printers are used for a range of purposes in universities, from professors producing pieces for instructional tools for lessons to Ph.D. students using them for research. For example, Purdue University in Indiana has taken a keen interest in teaching its students about new additive manufacturing materials and technology.

The Robotics Industry

The factors that make effective robotics parts also combine nicely with 3D printing capabilities. Grippers and sensor mounts are expensive to manufacture and must be specifically tailored for each application. Robotics experts employ 3D printers for end-of-arm tooling and end-of-use parts ranging from gripper fingers to full robot components. These lower the product’s overall weight, allowing the tools to move quickly and carry heavier goods. Instead of spending a lot of money on a non-customized design, robotics companies can use 3D printers to design and create light, sophisticated parts—such as end-of-arm tooling—for a fraction of the price.

we hope this article has helped you further understand how these industries are using 3D printing. What is technology may seem extremely futuristic, it might surprise you it is actually a lot more accessible than most will think. If you are looking for SLS 3d printing services, reach out to Tangible Creative today!