“Not only is this a Parsons story, but it is also a New York story,” says Abby Mechanic, the manager of Parsons School of Design’s Making Center. “It shows what individuals can do in a time of crisis and might encourage others to activate their talents in different ways to provide relief for the healthcare professionals on the front lines. I’m very proud of Eugene and Nevaris.”

“The process of 3D printing in a pandemic has taught me a lot about how technology can be utilized to help humanity, and that, in my view, is the future of technology,” says A.C. “I’ve also learned how quickly you can mobilize when everyone is focused and united with the same goal. That was the most beautiful part of the experience. We wasted no time and had zero time for nonsense. I’d like to carry that focus forward in non-emergency situations.”

This isn’t the kind of work the two ever imagined they’d be doing. But since the pandemic began, they’ve come to realize exactly how vital it is to be able to use technology to help people