Making Lemonade Out of Supply Chain Disruptions

Nevaris A.C., co-founder and CEO of Tangible Creative, a 3D printing and industrial designer, discussed how the pandemic has shaped the role of his company. “Our goal wasn’t to come in and be the hero,” he said. “Our goal was to help in the moment because we knew we could do it quickly.” “I think […]


The US continues to struggle to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, both at a state and federal level. So DIY efforts from academics, hobbyists, manufacturing experts, and professional firms have coalesced around COVID hotspots like New York City to meet the needs of health care workers and others on the front line of the response […]

Can 3D printing plug the coronavirus equipment gap?

“3D printing actually has the capability to react very, very quickly — in terms of hours you can go from idea, to design, to prototype, to produce,” Ramon Pastor, acting president of 3D printing and digital manufacturing for HP, told CNN Business. The same process can take days or even weeks for traditional manufacturers, he […]

Can 3D Printing plug the Coronavirus equipment gap?

“3D printing actually has the capability to react very, very quickly — in terms of hours you can go from idea, to design, to prototype, to produce,” Ramon Pastor, acting president of 3D printing and digital manufacturing for HP, told CNN Business. The same process can take days or even weeks for traditional manufacturers, he […]

MakerBot Launches 3D Printing Initiatives to Combat COVID-19

The company is working with Columbia University Libraries and Tangible Creative to produce, assemble, and deliver face shields to New York City hospitals and healthcare workers on the front lines. As part of this effort, the company is part of COVID Maker Response, a coalition of makers who are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by […]

Columbia Librarians Design and Distribute Face Shields

Orders for face shields are flooding in via email to COVID Maker Response. Launched two weeks ago, CMR was developed within 72 hours by Columbia University librarians Madiha Choksi and Alex Alexander Gil Fuentes, who are collaborating with Tangible Creative, an Industrial Design and 3D printing company based in Newark, NJ with over seventy-five 3D […]

Corona: 3D Makers Help Hospitals, Print Face Masks and Test Swabs

3D printing manufacturer Tangible Creative in New York is working with Columbia University’s library volunteers as well as MakerBot – a company that makes 3D printers – shifting their services to focus almost 100% on printing face shields for hospitals.  They’ve managed to up their daily print from 60 to 500 face shields a day […]

Makers are rushing to fight coronavirus with 3D printed face shields and test swabs

When Madiha Choksi, a research and learning technologies librarian at Columbia University, received a call for help from a doctor last week, she didn’t hesitate By Saturday, she printed off five prototypes of the shields—the part that needs to be 3D printed is like a visor that fits on your forehead, holding in place an […]

3D-Printed Protection

Healthcare workers on the frontlines of fighting COVID-19 are turning to an unlikely source for help with the shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE)—librarians. Madiha Choksi, along with her colleagues at Columbia University Libraries, developed a guide for rapidly producing face shields with 3D printers. Choksi modified a mask design for production speed and will […]